Recent Activities
"Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated." –Anne Roe
Co-chaired the 5th annual Microbiome Kickstart Workshop
August 9, 2024
The Microbiome Kickstart Workshop provides an introduction to microbiome research, experimental design and data analysis, featuring extensive experimental design background and hands-on computational training. Welcoming to all ranks of students, staff and faculty, the workshop equips participants with the awareness and skills to design a microbiome-focused experiment and perform basic microbiome data processing and analyses.

Presented a talk at the Applied Hologenomics Conference in Denmark
June 31, 2024
The objective of the Applied Hologenomics Conference 2024 was to highlight key discoveries and novel approaches that aim at understanding the interactions of plant and animal hosts with their associated microbial communities, which could be directly or potentially applied to management and practice.

Co-Chaired The One Health Microbiome Symposium organizing committee.
May 30-31, 2024
The symposium featured internationally-renowned keynote speakers, faculty and trainee research talks, poster sessions, and networking events. The event showcased how diverse ecosystems are dependent upon their microbial communities and how microbes flow through these ecosystems to shape the outcomes of health and disease.

Helped to organize a Synergies in Art and Science exhition
May 30, 2024
"Synergies in Art and Science," is an art exhibition showcasing thought-provoking collaborations at the intersection of microbial science and artistic innovation. Curated by Cynthia White, with support from Nichole Ginnan, Cody Goddard, Dina Constantinides, the Arts and Design Research Incubator, College of Arts and Architecture, One Health Microbiome Center.

Organized and Moderated Community Event and Scientific Panel
March 2, 2023
I organized a Microbiome Center event that hosted a community screening of The Invisible Extinction (https://www.theinvisibleextinction.com/), followed by an expert scientist panel Q&A session. Over 200 community members attended! Our panel discussed topics related to the film and included: 1. Associate Professor Laura Weyrich, PhD, 2. Assistant Professor Darrell Cockburn, PhD , 4. Assistant Professor Jordan Bisanz, PhD, 4. Project Manager Nichole Ginnan, PhD (moderator; Me!)

Presented Research at the International Phytobiomes Conference
September 15, 2022
Thrilled to have been apart of this amazing group of speakers. I talked about how plant microbiomes adapt to drought and host environments.

2022 Q&A with 6th graders at Sandy Creek Central School
February 9, 2022
I met with 6th graders in Mr. Ben Archibee's class at Sandy Creek Central School for "Meet a Scientist" Q&A!

Phytobiomes 2020 Graduate Student Paper of the Year Honorable Mention.
April 16, 2021

Recipient of UC President's Dissertation Year Fellowship
April 30, 2019
1 of 3 graduate students selected out of a pool of applicants from all 42 graduate departments at UCR. This prestigious fellowship provides 3 quarters of funding, a small research grant, and supports travel to give a seminar presentation at another University.
Plant Discovery Day
May 5, 2016
Organized a station to teach 5th graders about plant microbes.