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* equal contribution; # corresponding author
Ginnan NA*, Custódio V*, Gopaulchan D*, Ford N, Salas-González I, Jones D, Wells D, Moreno Â, Castrillo G#, Wagner MR#. Persistent legacy effects on soil metagenomes facilitate plant adaptive responses to drought. Under review at Nature Microbiology.
Preprint: BioRxiv
Ginnan NA#, Crandall S, Imchen M, Dini-Andreote F, Miyashiro TI, Sign V, Ganda E, Bordenstein SR#. Ecologically Expanding the One Health Framework to Unify the Microbiome Sciences. Under minor revisions at mBio.
The Holobiont Biology Network [Seth R. Bordenstein#, Thomas P. Gilbert, Nichole A. Ginnan, Antonino Malacrinò, Maria Elena Martino, Simon Bahrndorff, Sunil Mundra, Michael D. Martin, Kevin R. Theis, Sarah M. Hird, Alejandro Caro-Quintero, Thomas J. Sharpton, Kevin D. Kohl, Christopher J. Barnes, Raphael Eisenhofer, Ostaizka Aizpurua, Sandra B. Andersen, Jaelle C. Brealey, Christina L. Noer, Mónica Medina, Morten T. Limborg, Antton Alberdi]. (2024). The disciplinary matrix of holobiont biology. Science. 386:6723(731-731). DOI: 10.1126/science.ado2152.
Campos Freitas Vieira F, Blacutt A, Drozd C, Viravathana P, Ginnan NA, Roper MC#. (2024). Thirteen draft genome assemblies of Bacillus spp. isolated from HLB-impacted citrus tress. Microbiology Resource Announcements. DOI: 10.1128/mra.00602-24
Aksenov AA#, Blacutt A, Ginnan NA, Rolshausen PE, Melnik AV, Lotfi A, Gentry EC, Ramasamy M, Zuniga C, Zengler K, Mandadi K, Dorrestein PC, Roper MC#. (2024). Spatial chemistry of citrus reveals molecules bactericidal to Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Scientific Reports. 14, 20306
Ginnan NA# and Bordenstein SR#. (2023). It is Time to Authenticate the Microbiome Sciences. PLOS Biology. 7:21(12):e3002420. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002420.
Kurbessoian T, Heimlich-Villalta G, Ginnan NA, Campos Freitas Vieira F, Rolshausen P, Roper MC#, Stajich J.# (2023). Genome sequence and assembly of 18 Fusarium isolates from Florida citrus under high Huanglongbing disease pressure and California citrus under low Huanglongbing disease pressure. Microbiology Resource Announcements. DOI: 10.1128/mra.00101-23
Xi M, Deyett E, Ginnan NA, Ashworth V, Dang T, Bodaghi S, Vidalakis G, Roper C, Glassman S#, Rolshausen P#. (2022). Geographic location, management strategy and Huanglongbing disease affect arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities across US citrus orchards. Phytobiomes. 6:4, 342-353. DOI: PBIOMES-03-22-0014-R
Ginnan NA, De Anda NI, Campos Freitas Vieira F, Rolshausen P, Roper MC#. (2022). Microbial turnover and dispersal events occur in sync with plant phenology in the perennial evergreen tree crop, Citrus sinensis. mBio. 13:3, 1-18. DOI: 10.1128/mbio.00343-22
O’Brien AM, Ginnan NA, Rebolleda-Gómez M, Wagner MR#. (2021). Microbial effects on plant phenology and fitness. American Journal of Botany. 108:10, 1-14. DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.1743
Ginnan NA, Dang T, Bodaghi S, Ruegger P, McCollum G, England G, Vidalakis G#, Borneman J#, Rolshausen P#, Roper MC# (2020). Disease-induced microbial shifts in citrus indicate microbiome-derived responses to Huanglongbing across the disease severity spectrum. Phytobiomes. Vol. 4:4, 375-387. DOI: PBIOMES-04-20-0027-R
Blacutt A, Ginnan NA, Dang T, Bodaghi S, Vidalakis G, Ruegger P, Peacock B, Viravathana P, Campos-Vieira F., Drozd, C, Jablonska B., Borneman J, McCollum G, Cordoza J, Meloch J, Berry V, Salazar L, Maloney K, Rolshausen P, Roper, MC#. (2020). Development of an in vitro pipeline to screen and select citrus-associated microbiota with potential anti-Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus properties. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 86. Issue 8. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02883-19
Su Y, Ashworth V, Geitner N, Wiesner M, Ginnan NA, Rolshausen P, Roper C#, Jassby D#. (2020). Delivery, Fate, and Transport of Silver Nanoparticles in Citrus Trees. ACS Nano. 14(3):2966-2981. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b07733
Pedroncelli L#, Carter-House D, Ginnan NA, Andrews H, Drozd C, DiSalvo B. (2019). The Consequences of Drought on Plant Pathology. Journal of Science Policy and Governance: Vol. 15, Issue 1.
Ginnan NA*, Dang T*, Bodaghi S, Ruegger P, Peacock B, McCollum G, England G, Roper MC#, Rolshausen P#, Borneman J# (2018) Bacterial and Fungal Next Generation Sequencing Datasets and Metadata from Citrus Infected with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Phytobiomes: 2018 2:2, 64-70.
2014 (pre-graduate school)
Ginnan NA, Lawrence JR, Russell M, Eggett DL, and Hatch KA# (2014) Toe Clipping Does Not Affect the Survival of Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens). Copeia: Vol. 2014, No. 4, pp. 650-653.

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